Angel is not only a sweet, colorful American Paint Horse, she absolutely loves her teaching job.
Leo is a silly, fun Clydesdale/Warmblood. He has training in dressage and is just fun to ride!
Bodie is an adorable Haflinger. He’s strong, smooth, and ideal for lunging kids and adults.
Zee is a fun, sometimes silly Quarter Horse. He has experience in many styles of riding.
Buzz is a retired ranch Quarter Horse. He is patient and kind with kids and adults.
Silvie is a Silver Grulla, Kiger Mustang. She is a favorite of the kids for her smooth trot.
Sansa is a beautiful Arab/QH. She is a great confidence builder for kids and small adults.
Ollie is an adorable Norwegian Fjord. He is a fun lunge-line horse and a ham for photos.
Max is a Percheron/QH with lots to teach. He is sensitive and sweet and loves his carrots.
Kit is a sensible Mustang/QH. He was a beach/trail horse and has lots of human experience.